PRP Hair Transplant Treatment

Regrow your hair the PRP way!

What is PRP hair treatment?

Hair loss and hair thinning is a common problem in men and women especially in men. There are many reasons for hair loss but it's especially common after the age of 50 or people who suffer from stress.

There are many treatments for hair loss with high or very low success rate. But high success rate hair transplant techniques are few and one of that technique is PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) hair treatment for hair thinning and hair loss.

Platelet Rich Plasma is a non-surgical hair transplantation procedure that stimulates hair growth by using PRP that exist in our body. The PRP therapy involves the extraction of blood cells from our body and injects it directly into the scalp to increase blood supply to the hair follicle, increase hair thickness and strengthen hair roots naturally.

PRP has been used as a treatment for hair regrowth since the 1980s and has proved considerably effective for patients with Alopecia Areata, Androgenetic alopecia and pattern baldness in men and women.

How does PRP work?

PRP is an effective hair loss treatment to strengthen hair follicles and promote hair growth without toxins or harmful methods. Scientists have used the PRP treatment in the past for injuries in ligaments, muscles and tendons. Once the potential to grow hair was discovered, PRP hair transplant became one of the most popular solutions for Alopecia and baldness.

This is how PRP hair transplant works

During the treatment, your platelets are collected and it is spun into a centrifuge. Here the platelets and plasma are separated, i.e. white and red blood cells. Once extracted, these platelets are injected into the areas where hair thinning is experienced. The injected platelets energize the inactive hair follicles and give the body a dose of its own restorative properties.

Platelet Rich Plasma hair treatment
Who is not a candidate for PRP?
  • Patients with thyroid disease.
  • Patients suffering from Cancer and undergoing Chemotherapy.
  • Patients with blood disorders
  • Heavy smokers.
  • Individuals with low platelet count.
  • Hair follicle strengthening.
  • Hair Regrowth.
  • Non-surgical technique with local anaesthesia.
  • Safe and reliable results.
  • PRP treatment is also very cost effective.
How does the platelet rich plasma treat hair loss/hair fall?

Because of Androgenetic alopecia, the various pattern baldness areas hair will be in shedding stage. When the hair transplant surgeon will inject rich plasma into the scalp, it will helps the hair follicles in shedding stage to reactive and give growth to it.

Cost of PRP hair treatment in Mumbai & Delhi

The price of PRP hair treatment is comparatively higher than the other hair transplant treatments. The PRP treatment is, in fact, therapy and not an immediate solution for hair loss. Generally, it amounts to Rs. 40k – 50k depending on the location and number of sessions.

  • Hair Transplant

  • Hair TransplantFUE

  • Hair TransplantFUT

  • Mega Sessions

  • Hair System

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