Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, removes excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breast . It also reshapes your breasts so they look more proportionate to your body. It is done either as a cosmetic procedure or to ease the discomfort from bulky & heavy breasts.

Who Should Have Breast Reduction Surgery Done?

The breast reduction surgery is indicated in women who have large breasts & so have-

  • Poor self-image related to breast size
  • Difficulty fitting into bras and clothing
  • Chronic back, neck and shoulder pain
  • Rash or skin irritation under the breasts
  • Restricted physical & sports activity
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • One breast much larger than the other.
breast reduction surgery

Benefits Of Breast Reduction Surgery

  • Breasts look more firm & proportionate to your body & texture.
  • Improvement in posture.
  • Relief from difficulty in breathing.
  • Relief from back, shoulder & neck pain.
  • Enjoy better fitting clothes.
  • No difficulty in wearing undergarments & swimwear.
  • Increase ability to move freely and exercise.
  • Ability to participate in sporting activities.
  • Boosts your self image & confidence.

Am I A Candidate For Breast Reduction Surgery?

You are a good candidate for breast reduction surgery if:

  • You are not happy with size of your breasts due to any above reasons.
  • You are healthy & fit.
  • Your breast development is complete.
  • You do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing.
  • You are a non-smokers and non-drug user.
  • Breast reduction can also be done in teenagers if there is significant physical and psychological distress, but it is always advisable to wait till breast development is complete.
  • If you haven’t started a family or your family is not complete then it is advisable to postpone your breast reduction surgery until you are not planning any more pregnancy.

Types Of Breast Reduction Surgery Procedures & Incisions.

  • There are many different techniques of breast reduction with different types of incisions
  • The incision pattern will depend on
    • Size of the breasts
    • The extent of breast sagging
    • Position of nipple areola complex
    • Desired result
  • The different incision patterns that are used are :
    • Donut Or Periareolar Incision- This is made around the border of the areola. It is mainly used for breast lift where requirement of reduction is minimal
    • Keyhole Or Lollipop Incision- It is made around the border of the areola and vertically down from the areola to the breast crease.
    • Anchor Or Inverted T Incision- This is most common incision used for breast reduction procedure.
      It consists of three parts:

      Around the border of the areola.

      A vertical portion from the areola to the breast crease.

      Along the breast crease.

What Will My Breast Reduction Surgery Scars Be Like?

  • The scars will vary according to type of incision.
  • Most scars are concealed in natural breast contours, but some will be visible on the breast surface.
  • In initial period scars will be red but they will fade and significantly improve over time.
  • We make every effort to hide and minimize scars, with the goal of achieving the desired results with the shortest possible scar.

What Is Done In Breast Reduction Surgery?

  • The procedure comprises removal of excess skin, breast tissue and fat in various amount based on the size breast you desire.
  • If breasts are asymmetrical, more tissue may be removed from one breast than the other.
  • Then the remaining skin, fat & breast tissue are rearranged and reshaped to create a more youthful breast shape.
  • Also the nipple-areola complex may be shifted to a higher position to uplift the sagging breast.

Role of liposuction in breast reduction

  • Liposuction is used with breast reduction procedure for treatment of fat in axilla.
  • Liposuction as a sole procedure for breast reduction is used in small number of patients when –
    • Breasts are more fatty with minimal fibrous tissue- This condition is seen in post menopausal women.
    • Breasts with very little ptosis (Sagging).

Pre Breast Reduction Precautions & Instructions

  • You will undergo clinical check up, blood investigations and chest x-ray for evaluation of fitness for surgery. You might also be advised mammography.
  • Stop smoking for at least 2 weeks before the procedure.
  • Stop Aspirin, painkillers, antioxidants or nutritional support 7 days before the procedure.
  • Please inform your surgeon if you had any history of breast diseases or surgery or there is history of breast cancer in your family.
  • Discuss with your surgeon if you are taking any herbs, homeopathic medicines or nutritional supplements which need to be discontinued.
  • Discuss with your surgeon about your past major illness .
  • Inform your surgeon regarding any current illness like diabetes, blood pressure for which you are taking any medicines. Also inform him if you have had any recent illness like cold, diarrhea etc.

Post Breast Reduction Surgery Precautions & instructions

  • After surgery You will have a surgical dressing over your upper chest
  • You may have drain tubes placed in operated area to remove collected blood & body fluid.
  • When the effect of anesthesia wears off, You will have some discomfort or pain for which you will be given painkillers.
  • You will have antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.
  • You are encouraged to move around & start walking in your room by evening.
  • You will be allowed to go home next day with instructions for taking medicines & care of drain tubes, which will be removed at the time of your first post-op visit on 3rd or 4th day after surgery.
  • You can start taking bath after your incisions are healed. Till then you can have sponge bath. As you are not advised to raise your hands over your head for 2 weeks, you can wash your hair with the help of somebody.
  • You are advised to preferably sleep on back to avoid pressure on your breasts.
  • You may be required to wear a supporting bra/ sports bra for 6-12 weeks.
  • There may be some swelling & bruises on operated area which will completely resolve in 4-6 weeks.
  • During recovery it is common to have some numbness in operative area & changes in nipple sensations which will recover in few months.
  • You can return to routine day to day activities 1 week after surgery & resume your work after 10-14 days depending upon your tolerance level.
  • You can resume walking & light exercise after two weeks. Avoid heavy strenuous exercises like jogging, running for 10 to 12 weeks.


How long will the results of breast reduction last?

Results of breast reduction are long lasting unless you gain or lose significant amount of fat or become pregnant. However with effects of advancing age & gravity your breasts may become loose & sag down.

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