Breast Augmentation Treatment

Breast augmentation is also known as breast implants, breast enlargement surgery or augmentation mammoplasty.

It is the most common cosmetic surgery done in females.

It is generally done to enhance or restore the volume of the breasts.

Who are the candidates for breast augmentation ?

You are a candidate for breast augmentation if:

Your breasts are naturally small.

Your breasts are asymmetric.

You have lost the volume, shape & size of your breasts due to aging or after pregnancy or weight reduction.

Benefits Of Breast Augmentation:

Increases fullness & projection of your breasts & gives cosmetically pleasing appearance

Restores youthful looking round shape & size of the breasts.

Restores symmetry when the breasts are asymmetrical.

You look better in fitting clothes & swimwear.

It boosts your confidence & self-esteem.

What is autologous fat transfer for breast augmentation?

In this method fat is collected by liposuction of abdomen, back or thighs & after processing, this refined fat is injected in breasts to increase the volume.

This is generally done in women who have excess fat in some body areas and wish for enhancement in breast size.

It is suitable for small to moderate size of breast enhancement.

What are different types of breast implants?

1) Saline Implants:

These are filled with sterile salt solution in elastomer silicone shell. They are available either as prefilled implants with predetermined fixed volume or they can be filled during surgery for better adjustments in size.

2) Silicone Implants:

These are filled with silicone gel in a elastomer silicone shell. They are available in prefilled specific sizes.

What is done in breast implant procedure?

In breast implant procedure surgeon makes an 3-5 cm incision & lifts up the breast tissue. He then creates a pocket either under the breast tissue or under chest muscle & places the suitable implant. After minor adjustments in pocket size or implant placement to achieve a better symmetry, the incision is closed with dissolvable cosmetic sutures which need not to be removed.

What are different incisions for breast implant surgery?





What are different options for implant placements?

Subglandular: The implant is placed between the breast gland tissue and chest muscle.

Submuscular: The implant is placed behind the chest muscle.

Dual Plane: The implant is placed partially behind the chest muscle & partially behind the breast gland tissue.

The implant pocket in each individual is decided depending upon size, shape & anatomy of your breast, thickness of skin over the breast & its looseness.

Frequently Asked Questions:

If someone has severely drooping breasts, developed following pregnancy or after weight loss, then only breast augmentation will not be sufficient to take care of excessive breast skin & sagging. In these cases an additional procedure is required called ‘mastopexy’ or ‘ breast lift’.

The breast augmentation & breast lift are done at a same time or as different procedures . This decision is made after full consultation with your operating surgeon.

You will undergo clinical check up, blood investigations and chest x-ray for evaluation of fitness for surgery. You might also be advised mammography.

Stop smoking for at least 2 weeks before the procedure.

Stop Aspirin, painkillers, antioxidants or nutritional support 7 days before the procedure.

Please inform your surgeon if you had any history of breast diseases or surgery or there is history of breast cancer in your family.

Discuss with your surgeon if you are taking any herbs, homeopathic medicines or nutritional supplements which need to be discontinued.

Discuss with your surgeon about your past major illness.

Inform your surgeon regarding any current illness like diabetes, blood pressure for which you are taking any medicines. Also inform him if you have had any recent illness like cold, diarrhea etc.

After surgery You will have a surgical dressing over your upper chest.

When the effect of anesthesia wears off, You will have some discomfort or pain for which you will be given painkillers.

You will have antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

You are encouraged to move around & start walking in your room by evening.

You will be allowed to go home on the same day or next morning with instructions for taking medicines.

You can start taking bath after your incisions are healed. Till then you can have sponge bath. As you are not advised to raise your hands over your head for 2 weeks, you can wash your hair with the help of somebody.

You are advised to preferably sleep on back to avoid pressure on your breasts.

You may be required to wear a supporting bra/ sports bra for 6-12 weeks.

There may be some swelling & bruises on operated area which will completely resolve in 4-6 weeks.

During recovery it is common to have some numbness in operative area & changes in nipple sensations which will recover in few months.

You can return to routine day to day activities in 2-3 days after surgery & you can resume your work soon depending upon your tolerance level.

You can resume walking & light exercise after two weeks. Avoid heavy strenuous exercises like jogging, running for 10 to 12 weeks.

The scars will vary according to type of incision.

In inframammary incisions scars will be well hidden in breast crease.

In initial period scars will be red but they will fade and significantly improve over time.

Breast augmentation is usually done after development of breast is complete. So it is recommended after 18 years of age. It is done in women:

Who are healthy & fit.

Who are neither pregnant or breast feeding.

Who are unhappy with size, shape, projection & symmetry of their breasts

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