Facelift Surgery

With advancing age facial skin loses its elasticity & underlying fat loses its volume. This results in change in youthful contours of face with appearance of various wrinkles & lines. Facelift procedure turns back this aging clock. It removes excess skin, tightens underlying muscles & redrapes skin to higher level. It rejuvenates your face so that you look younger & better.

Who Are The Candidates For Face Lift Surgery?

You are a candidate for face lift surgery if You are not happy & feel self-conscious about the aging changes on your face & neck like- 

  • Sagging skin in your midface and/or jawline
  • Deep creases extending from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds)
  • Lines extending from each corner of your mouth down your chin (marionette lines)
  • Facial fat (volume) that has fallen or is displaced
  • Sagging and loss of muscle tone in the lower face, resulting in jowls
  • A double chin, resulting from loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw
  • Creased and sagging skin in your neck

What Is Done In Face Lift Surgery?

In face lift surgery , after incision is taken, facial skin is elevated from underlying muscles for various distance. The deeper tissues & muscle are repositioned or tightened. The excess skin is trimmed away & skin is redraped at higher position making it appear smooth & youthful.

What Are Different Types Of Face Sift surgeries?

There are various techniques of face lift surgeries. The placement and length of incisions vary depending on the facelift technique. The appropriate technique that best suits you depends upon facial characteristics, aging changes on your face & your goals.

Standard or Traditional face lift:-In this technique, incision begins in the hairline in temple area, down past the front of ears and into the hairline behind the ears. This procedure is best suited for candidates in fifties or later with moderate to advance aging changes.

Limited incision{MACS} face lift:-In this technique incision begins in the hairline in temple area continuing down in front & along the ear. This procedure is best suited for candidates in their late thirties or forties with relatively early aging changes in face.

Neck lift :-For neck lift incision usually begins in front of ears & continues into hairline behind the ears. A separate small incision below your chin may be required in addition. This procedure addresses the sagging jowls, loose neck skin and fat accumulation under the chin.

Can Face Lift Improve Eyebrows & Eyelids Too?

Face lift surgery generally addresses lower two third of face –the cheeks & jawline. For upper third of face you require Brow-Lift &/or eyelid surgery ( Blepharoplasty). These procedures can be combined with face-lift surgery.

What Are Other Options For Facial Rejuvenation?

There are many surgical as well as nonsurgical options available for rejuvenation of aging face. But face lift is the only ´Gold standard ´ procedure which gives dramatic & long standing results. Other procedures are ideally performed in conjunction with face lift for better results, like-   Fat transfer to replace the lost fatty volume. Injectable fillers for fine wrinkles or perioral lines which are not addressed with face lift. Skin treatments such as lasers, dermabrasion or peels to improve the quality and texture of the skin.

Pre Face Lift Surgery Precautions & Instructions

  • You will undergo clinical check up, blood investigations and chest x-ray for evaluation of fitness for surgery.
  • Stop smoking for at least 2 weeks before the procedure.
  • Stop Aspirin, painkillers, Antioxidants or nutritional support 7 days before the procedure.
  • Discuss with your surgeon if you are taking any herbs, homeopathic medicines or nutritional supplements which need to be discontinued.
  • Discuss with your surgeon about your past major illness .
  • Inform your surgeon regarding any current illness like diabetes, blood pressure for which you are taking any medicines. Also inform him if you have had any recent illness like cold, diarrhea etc.

Post Face Lift Surgery Precautions & Instructions

  • After surgery you will have a surgical dressing with bandages around your face & neck.
  • There will be a small drain tube placed under the skin behind your ear to remove any collected blood or fluid.
  • You are advised to rest with head elevated after surgery & for first few days. This will reduce the chances of swelling on your face.
  • When the effect of anesthesia wears off, You will have some discomfort or pain for which you will be given painkillers. You will have feeling of tightness in your face & neck.
  • You will have antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.
  • You will stay in hospital for 1-2 days & will be allowed to go home once the drain tubes are removed .
  • You will be advised to wear a supportive elastic pressure garment at the time of discharge. You will be given instructions about its use
  • There will be some Swelling and bruising on your face & neck which will likely last for & 10- 14 days. You are advised not to apply ice or anything frozen directly to cheeks & neck to help reduce swelling. A pair of dark glasses, scarf or light make up will help to hide the bruising and swelling during this recovery period
  • Some numbness around your earlobes, face & neck is expected in initial period & may last for few weeks.
  • You may shower or bathe the day after surgery  but do not let the spray directly strike your face. You can also wash your hair gently.
  • Avoid straining, heavy lifting, swimming, bending forward and strenuous activities which may increase blood pressure in your head abruptly & cause bleeding.
  • Refrain from direct sun exposure. Your face will be highly susceptible to sunburn or the formation of irregular, darkened pigmentation.. If you are outdoors, wear sunglasses , cover your face & apply sunscreen with SPF thirty or more at least thirty minutes before sun exposure.
  • You can resume work 7-10 days after surgery depending upon the extent of procedure.

What Will My Face Lift Scars Be Like?

Initially your face lift scars will be red & prominent. But with time they fade & will be hidden in hairline and natural creases in front & behind your ears.

How Long Will The Results Of Face Lift Surgery Last?

The results of Face Lift surgery usually last for few years. However, face lift surgery doesn’t stop the aging. With aging, sun exposure, gravity & smoking some effects of face lift surgery will be lost over few years.

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