Labioplasty Surgery

Labioplasty reduces length and size of labia minora. It is the most common vaginal rejuvenation surgery done worldwide. Ideally labia minora is completely covered with labia majora. But with time, after puberty or pregnancy, labia minora can become thick, increase in size and protrudes beyond labia majora. For many this condition is esthetically unacceptable while in others it creates some problems like-

  • Irritation due to tight clothing
  • Visible labia through swimsuit
  • Pain during exercise or intercourse
labioplasty surgery

The Advantages Of Labioplasty

  • Relieves pain and irritation
  • Removes cosmetically unacceptable thick and pigmented portion of labia minora
  • Ability to wear tight clothing
  • Corrects any asymmetry or unevenness
  • Overall makes you feel esthetically more comfortable and confident

Types Of Labioplasty surgery

There are mainly two types of labioplasties

  • Trim Technique: This is more commonly used method and technically simpler. This method can be a good option for women who want to eliminate darkening of the inner labia, that comes with age and pregnancy. The problems with this method are – natural texture & curve of labia minora may be lost and it may give some scar.
  • Wedge Resection Technique: In this method a wedge shaped labial tissue is removed from its central portion. This technique is more popular with some cosmetic surgeons as it maintains natural texture and look of labia. But it doesn’t address thickened & dark portion of labia which may be the main concern in some patients. Also there are more chances of nerve damage and tension over scar.

What Is Done In Labioplasty Procedure?

Labiaplasty is usually performed with a local anesthetic or general anesthesia as a day care procedure. The surgery takes about 1-2 hours. During surgery, larger or uneven inner vaginal lips are cut and shortened using specialized scissors, a scalpel or a laser. The appropriate incision location depends on many individual factors, including the configuration, texture and size of the labia. Then incision is closed with self dissolving sutures.

Which Other Procedures Can Be Combined With Labioplasty?

  • Labia Majora Reduction
  • Mons Reduction/Lift
  • Clitorial hood reduction
  • Mommy make over

Pre Labioplsty Procedure Precautions

  • You will undergo clinical check up, blood investigations and chest x-ray for evaluation of fitness for surgery.
  • Stop smoking for at least 2 weeks before the procedure.
  • Stop Aspirin, painkillers, antioxidants or nutritional support 7 days before the procedure.
  • Discuss with your surgeon if you are taking any herbs, homeopathic medicines or nutritional supplements which need to be discontinued.

Post-surgery Labioplasty precautions & Instructions

  • Keep the area clean and free from infection
  • Wear loose underwear and clothes to prevent rubbing
  • Avoid sex for a few weeks
  • Use sanitary towels instead of tampons for a few weeks

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