Are you in your 20s and suffering from baldness?

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It's a fact. Men are balding as early as their 20s, which is a far away from our fathers' age, who hoped to reach their 40s with a full head of hair.

Losing hair is far from being a modern concern, but premature balding, say trichologists is turning out to be more of a trend than rarity. And the way we live our lives has more to do with it than genes or plain bad luck.

Here some reasons we have strike down for premature baldness:

Causes of Hair Loss in Men Under 25

Male pattern baldness:Male pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss in men of all ages. It’s caused by a mix of genetic and hormonal factors and typically starts in your 20s or thirties.

Stress, anxiety and traumatic experiences:Hair loss can occur due to severe forms of stress or trauma. This type of hair loss is known as telogen effluvium and often results in diffuse, rapid hair loss that affects your entire scalp.

Medical conditions:Some diseases and medical conditions can cause hair loss. These include thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, fungal infections of your scalp, lupus, autoimmune diseases, hormone imbalances and other conditions.

Nutritional deficiencies:Sometimes, hair loss can develop if you’re deficient in certain essential vitamins, minerals or nutrients. For example, you may notice your hair thinning if you’re deficient in zinc, iron, biotin or protein.

Medications:Some medications, including certain beta-blockers, amphetamines and anticoagulants, may cause hair loss.

Physical damage to your hair or scalp:Injury to your skin and hair follicles can also cause hair loss. For example, some people experience traction alopecia a form of hair loss caused by hair styling techniques that put stress on the hair.

Hair Loss in Your 20s: The Basics

Although hair loss is often associated with older men, it can begin at any age, including in your mid-20s.

Most hair loss in men is caused by androgen tic alopecia, or male pattern baldness — a form of hair loss that’s linked to hormonal and genetic factors.

Hair loss from male pattern baldness is permanent, meaning it’s important to take action quickly if you’re starting to lose your hair and want to keep it for as long as possible.

Several science-based medications are available to treat male pattern baldness.

These medications are effective, but you’ll need to take them for several months before you’ll notice any significant improvements.

These medications are effective, but you’ll need to take them for several months before you’ll notice any significant improvements.

In addition to male pattern baldness, certain other factors, such as stress, diet and some medical conditions, may cause temporary hair loss during your 20s.

Book an appointment with our best hair transplant surgeon at Radiant Aesthetics today for your hair loss concerns!

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